Create a fun look for the Holiday Season as easy as 1-2-3! Watch Kayla Boyer of our PRAVANA Collective's easy Step-By-Step for this festive Holiday Split Dye created with custom ChromaSilk VIVIDS shades!
Kayla Boyer

Join PRAVANA Creator Kayla Boyer for her electrifying tutorial as she brings this hair-raising romance to life--from Frankenstein's locks to his Bride's bewitching waves, she will guide you step-by-step through this spooktacular journey utilizing ChromaSilk HydraGloss and ChromaSilk VIVIDS to bring these monsters' looks into the 21st Century!

See how Kayla Marie Boyer of our PRAVANA Collective took inspiration from the movies to create an amazing Beetlejuice-Inspired Color-Blocked interpretation for Halloween VIVIDS fun!

Global Blonding - where to begin? Kayla Boyer from our PRAVANA Collective shares her Tips for PERFECT Platinum Blonding with wisps of Strawberry!

See how Kayla Boyer of our PRAVANA Collective is warming up Winter locks with an easy vibrant ChromaSilk Copper Red all over color framed with a Hairline Halo of Tropical VIVIDS shades!

Yes, you can blend it like a pro with this VIVIDS Blending Techniques.