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30g PRAVANA Pure Light Ultra Lightener + 60g 10 Volume Creme Developer
Formula 1 (Violet): 30g PRAVANA ChromaSilk VIVIDS Original Violet + 30g ChromaSilk VIVIDS Original Clear-Dilute
Formula 2 (Negative Space): 30g PRAVANA ChromaSilk VIVIDS Pastels Luscious Lavender + 30g ChromaSilk VIVIDS Original Clear-Pastel
Formula 3 (Green): 60g PRAVANA ChromaSilk VIVIDS Neons Neon Green
Formula 4 (Black): 30g PRAVANA ChromaSilk VIVIDS Original Black
Prep the hair by spraying Purify & Revive PRIME Demineralizing Spray generously throughout the hair, combing through for even distribution and allowing to sit for 3 minutes (no rinsing or shampoo required) to diminish any hard water minerals.
Minerals are found in 85% of household water which can cause lightener to puff and swell or color to take inaccurately.
Using your favorite Global Blonding technique, pre-Lighten the hair to Level 10 utilizing the Lightening Formula.
Shampoo the hair with Intense Therapy Cleanse. Rinse, towel-dry and apply Silk Degrees Prep and Treat for 5 minutes at the basin to equalize the porosity and provide anchoring sites for your color application. Rinse and dry the hair completely.
Section the hair by isolating the fringe. Take a radial parting from behind the ear to behind the ear and another parting from nose to nape to create the PRAVANA standard 4 quadrants for the rest of the hair. Isolate 3 chunky weaves at the top of each quadrant for the striped sections.
Starting at the bottom of each quadrant working towards the top, take a ½” horizontal section and melt the Violet formula into the Negative Space formula, then feather the Green formula from the bottom up into the Negative Space formula. Continue in this pattern until you reach the weaved sections at the top. Repeat on all 4 quadrants.
A “Negative Space” formula allows you to create a perfect blend between two colors that are opposite to one another.
For the 3 weaved sections that you isolated at the top when sectioning each quadrant, apply the Violet formula to the first two inches. Then utilizing the Black formula, paint thin stripes carefully every inch or so until you reach the bottom of the section. Repeat in all four quadrants.
Taking thin sections in the fringe area, repeat the color melt described in Step 4 in miniature form.
Process all 30 minutes at room temperature. Rinse with cold water and high water pressure until the water runs clear, condition with Color Protect Condition and style as desired.