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Color & Lightening

Easy Highlighting Technique with Blonding Creme

by Ashley Krupa Berg
Before and after of a caucasian female with blonde highlighted wavy hair with bangs https://youtu.be/lLi_VCOJiHA
See how PRAVANA Educator Mentor Ashley Krupa Berg utilizes PRAVANA’s PURE LIGHT Blonding Creme’s powerful formula which leaves hair looking healthy, nourished, and hydrated with this easy Highlighting Technique!


Lightening Formula

30g PURE LIGHT Blonding Creme Lightener + 60g 10 Volume Creme Developer

Toning Formula

Formula 1: 15g ChromaSilk Platinum Toner Lilac + 15g ChromaSilk Platinum Toner Sand + 45g Zero Lift Creme Developer
Formula 2: 30g ChromaSilk Platinum Toner Sand + 45g Zero Lift Creme Developer


Step 1: Prep

Prep the hair by spraying Purify & Revive PRIME Demineralizing Spray generously throughout the hair, combing through for even distribution and allowing to sit for 3 minutes (no rinsing or shampoo required). This will diminish any hard water minerals prior to any chemical service.

Pro Tip

Minerals are found in 85% of household water which can cause lightener to puff and swell or color to take inaccurately.

Step 2: Sectioning

Isolate the Fringe and take a Mohawk Section on the top of the head. Divide the Mohawk Section in half creating two smaller sections. Then take a 2” Hairline Halo Section all the way around the head beginning at the right temple and ending at the left temple. Twist the rest of the hair into a knot to keep it up and out of your way.

Step 3: Highlighting – Back and Mohawk Sections

Beginning in the nape area, create 3 micro-stitches (- – – – -) within the Hairline Halo and repeat on the other side. Continue throughout the back of the head with 3 teased stitches (__ __ __) on each side. In the Mohawk Sections, alternate between a micro stitch and a teased stitch leaving out hair in between.

Pro Tip

Teased highlights create a diffused look for a softer grow-out.

Process at room temperature checking every 5-10 minutes until you have reached a Level 9/10. Shampoo the hair with Intense Therapy Cleanse and towel-dry well.

Step 4: Highlighting – Fringe and Face Frame

Continue highlighting the Fringe and Face Frame with micro stitches (- – – – -).

Step 5: Toning

Apply Toning Formula 1 to the base first, then apply Toning Formula 2 to the mid-lengths and ends.

Pro Tip

ChromaSilk Platinum Toners neutralize unwanted warmth in as little as 5 minutes, but may be left on up to 10 minutes for full tonal deposit.

Process 5 minutes at room temperature. Rinse well and apply Intense Therapy Condition.


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