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ChromaSilk Creme Color – Naturals 15g 8N Light Blonde + ChromaSilk Creme Color – Golden 15g 8.3 Light Golden Blonde + 45g 10 Volume Creme Developer
ChromaSilk Creme Color – Pearl 20g 8.8 (8P) Light Pearl Blonde + 30g 10 Volume Creme Developer
10g Pure Light Power Lightener + 30g 10 Volume Creme Developer
1. ChromaSilk Creme Color – Copper 20g 7.40 Bright Copper Blonde + 30g 10 Volume Creme Developer
2. ChromaSilk Creme Color – Vibrant Reds 20g 7.64 Red Copper Blonde + 30g 10 Volume Creme Developer
Prep the hair by spraying Purify & Revive PRIME Demineralizing Spray generously throughout the hair, combing through for even distribution and allowing to sit for 3 minutes (no rinsing or shampoo required). This will diminish any hard water minerals prior to any chemical service.
Minerals are found in 85% of household water which can cause lightener to puff and swell or color to take inaccurately.
Section the hair into five sections: Take a radial parting from ear to ear to divide the hair in half. Then take a horizontal parting across the occipital bone to create a nape section. And finally take partings from nose to crown and crown to the occipital bone to create four quadrants above the occipital bone.
Clean sectioning creates a working guide for easier application.
Apply the Grey Coverage formula to the regrowth by outlining each section and then taking thin 1/8” horizontal sliced partings.
Formulate for grey coverage by adding the same percentage of N, Nt or .3 as the percentage of gray to the target shade.
Apply the Color Block Formula to the nape section below the occipital bone from roots to ends.
Taking diagonal back slices in Quadrant 3 leaving out 1” of hair in between the foils (4-5 depending on density of the hair) alternate applying the two Lowlight Formulas and the Lightening Formula where needed. Mirror the same technique in Quadrant 4.
Adding dimension to the mid-lengths and ends allows for softer regrowth of the grey.
Begin your dimensional application in Quadrant 1 by taking diagonal forward partings and micro-stitching the hair at the hairline (about 8 foils) alternating applying the Lightening Formula and the two Lowlight Formulas in foil. Continue working in this manner applying to the scalp initially, then ½” away from the part after the first three foils. Mirror the same technique in Quadrant 2.
Keeping your application ½” away from the part creates diffused dimension.
Process 45 minutes at room temperature then cleanse and condition the hair with PRAVANA’s Color Protect regimen and style as desired.